Heartland Mission

NALC Commission on Theology and Doctrine Releases Letter on Holy Scripture

The Bible is a gift to the Church from the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The “good pleasure” (cf. Ephesians 1:9-10 NIV) of the Triune God is to free His fallen human creatures from the wrong and corruption of sin, the tyranny of the devil and the threat of death, draw them into communion with Himself and, in the end, fill the created universe with His glory. Coming from God, the Bible not only makes known this holy, loving purpose, it is also a means by which God achieves His purpose.

With these words, the newly released letter on Holy Scripture, prepared by the NALC Commission on Theology and Doctrine, affirms the strong commitment of the North American Lutheran Church to the Bible as God’s gift to the Church. It also affirms that “the Bible not only makes known this holy, loving purpose … to free His fallen human creatures from the wrong and corruption of sin, the tyranny of the devil and the threat of death, draw them into communion with Himself,” the Bible is also “a means by which God achieves His purpose.”

For more information, please click here to visit the NALC website.
